Site icon Intentional Living with Kathy & Michael

Episode 2.1 – Long Term Planning: The (gulp) Funeral Exercise

Welcome back!  This short episode is an extension of the discussion in Episode 2 of long term planning and envisioning your future.

This exercise invites you to envision what your funeral might look like – but don’t worry! If this idea makes you squeamish (Kathy: “uh-huh”) you can envision another different kind of end of era.  Think of your retirement, or your Golden Wedding Anniversary, or your 75th birthday.

Who is present?   What’s the mood?  What can you learn from this vision?  Where do you want this event to be happening?  How do people think and speak about you?

This is not intended to get you concerned about what people think about you, only to provoke you to identify the values that you want to live into in order to be the person in that vision of the future.

Are your children, grandchildren or other next-generation relatives there?  What have they learned from your actions and your interactions with them?

Stepping back from this vision, reflect on whether there are transformations that will serve you to live into this vision of your future.



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